Monday, 29 April 2013

E4 Sting editing

E4 logo has now been added as a background, ground animation is complete. Just need to tweek a few things before I am happy with it. Also the timing was a little off for the ending as i didn't really pay much attention to it whilst animating so I had to cut the smoke a little shorter to give a clearer ending.
Just for comparison I changed the background to give it a more subtle look. I think it looks better this way. Just a few more things to do before its finalized like fixing his face near the end and adding some clouds.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Animating my E4 sting - encountering problems and solving them

This was the first attempt at animating my E-sting and as you can see it needs more work doing to the likes of the actual character animation as the bunny seems a little solid, it also needs some movement in the ground as the bunny bounces about the place to show some weight and pressure on the floating island. 

The buildings have now all been animated turning into giant carrots by having the opacity turned up on them once the building in front has been hit and flashes the carrots will appear. Still need to do some ground animation and sort out the ending as it looks a little shabby and abrupt.

Friday, 19 April 2013

E4 bunny assets

I have drawn out all of the assets on separate layers in photoshop, they can all be re-sized once they are put into After Effects.
 The Bunny has several different expressions that can be switched out using pose to pose animation.

 After talking about the E4 logo placement its probably better if it's made as a background element instead of just being stuck onto something, as I don't want a reveal I would rather the logo being there the whole time.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

E4 Bunny - Gilliam Inspiration.

Possibilities for animation styles for my E-sting. Well seen as my Initial idea was for two giant rabbits attacking a city this was a first thought as collecting assets for a cut out style animation would take far less time than drawing them out individually and the animating shouldn't take so long.
Gilliams work is absolutely hilarious and I think that once I'm feeling more confident with After effects and the likes I would love to make short animations like this in a similar style.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Time plan/Targets

By this time next week I hope to have my drawings/assets all drawn up in photoshop ready to be animated in After Effects. After that I hope to have the Whole thing animated before the 26th April.

Ask a friend of mine who is studying music production if she wouldn't mind making some sound effects/music for the finished E4 Sting.

Finish some drafted posts on my blog that I haven't got around to finish yet.

Monday, 15 April 2013

E-STING proposal

The idea of this project is to create a short animation that promotes the television channel E4 within an ad break with certain rules that allow it to be shown before and after the watershed without any things deemed unsuitable for the younger audience, such as extreme violence, swearing and things of a sexual nature. It must also contain the E4 logo either as a reveal type situation or it can be shown throughout the ten seconds.
When thinking of an idea for my E-Sting I had been looking at some old artwork of mine and I came across a doodle I had done about two years ago, it consisted of two giant bunnies with laser eyes destroying a city on a floating island. This is the basis of what I want but a little more friendly. I like the idea of games like Super Mario Bros where he jumps on objects and they ‘pop’ and Crash Bandicoot when enemies turn into apples, so from this I would like the buildings that he is shooting lazers at to turn into giant carrots, thus leaving him on the island alone with carrots.

So essentially my idea doesn’t have a particular storyline its merely a skit to make people remember the channel and I find the things that are quite surreal and weird are often the things that make people remember and come back. So in a nutshell my ten seconds will be some giant bunnies turning a city into a bunch of carrots with their lazer eyes.

The whole thing should be done as a cut out style either in after effects or cinema 4D. So I can make all of the assets on photoshop and open then into the program ready for animating as I feel that this is the best way to give it the charm and feel of a 2D game.

To potentially promote my final animation I could enter it into the E-sting competition as it would be viewed my a large audience particularly if it won, alternatively and what I think could be beneficial is uploading it to the likes of YouTube, Vimeo and my blog for extra views.